Website Privacy Policy

Please click here if you would prefer to download and print our website's Privacy Policy.

This notice describes the privacy policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) of (hereinafter referred to as the “website” or “Site” or “Platform”) which is operated by:

Company Name: Sweetwater Filtration Systems Inc (DBA Sweetwater Home Services)

EIN: 74-2455084

Registered Office: 1724 Cheddar Loop Rd Austin, TX 78728 USA

(here simply referred to as “Sweetwater Home Services” or “us” or “our” or “we”). In this Policy, you shall be referred as “you” or “your” or “user” or “users”.

This Privacy Policy explains what information of yours will be collected by us when you access the website; how the information will be used, and how you can control the collection, correction, and/or deletion of the information. We will not knowingly use or share your information with anyone, except as described in this Privacy Policy. The use of information collected by us shall be limited to the purposes described under this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

By using our website, or providing your personal information to us, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy. Please note that this includes consenting to the processing of any personal information that you provide, as described below. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the details outlined below to understand our policies and practices concerning your privacy. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at

1. What information about the users do we collect?

Sweetwater Home Services collects various types of information from and about users of our website. This information helps us to provide you with our services and improve your experience on our website. The types of information we collect include:​

  • Personal Information: This includes information that can be used to identify you personally, such as your name, phone number, email address, and home address. We collect this information when you fill out contact forms, request services, or communicate with us.

  • Service Area Information: We collect your address and/or zip code to determine if you are within our service area and to dispatch our technicians to your location.

  • Contact Information: This includes any communication you have with us, whether through our contact forms, email, phone, or other means. We collect this information to respond to your inquiries and provide customer support.

  • Website Usage Information: We collect information about how you interact with our website, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring URLs, and the pages you visit on our site. This information helps us understand how users navigate our website and improve its functionality.

  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to collect information about your browsing behavior on our website. This information helps us personalize your experience and analyze website traffic.

  • Third-Party Information: If you use third-party services or financing options available through our website, we may collect information from those third parties as needed to facilitate your use of our services.

  • Assessment Information: For those who participate in our Free In-Home Water Assessment, we collect information about the results of the water tests and any recommendations provided by our specialists.

  • Voluntary Information: Any additional information you voluntarily provide to us, such as feedback, survey responses, or participation in promotions, is also collected and used to improve our services.

  • Technical Information: We collect technical information about your device and internet connection, including the type of device you use, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information. This helps us ensure our website is compatible with various devices and improve your user experience.

  • Log Information: Our servers automatically collect log information when you access our website. This includes your IP address, access times, and the pages you have viewed. This data helps us monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities on our website.

2. What is the lawful basis for which we use your information?

At Sweetwater Home Services, we process information based on the following lawful bases:

  • Contractual Necessity: We process your personal information when it is necessary to fulfill a contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract. For example, we use your address and contact information to schedule and conduct a Free In-Home Water Assessment.

  • Consent: In some cases, we collect and process your personal information with your consent. For example, when you fill out a contact form or request a service, you consent to us using your information to respond to your inquiry or provide the requested service.

  • Legal Obligations: We process your personal information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This includes retaining certain records for tax, auditing, and other regulatory purposes.

  • Legitimate Interests: We use your personal information for our legitimate business interests, such as improving our services, understanding how our website is used, and enhancing your user experience. We ensure that our legitimate interests do not override your rights and freedoms.

  • Vital Interests: In rare cases, we may process your personal information to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another person. For example, if there is an urgent safety issue related to our services.

In any case, we will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. Feel free to contact us for this purpose at

3. How do we use this information?

Sweetwater Home Services uses the information we collect about you in various ways to enhance your experience and provide our services effectively. Here are the primary ways we use your information:

  • Providing Services: We use your personal information to deliver the services you request, such as scheduling and conducting Free In-Home Water Assessments and providing information about our products and services.

  • Customer Support: We use your contact information to respond to your inquiries, provide technical support, and address any issues or concerns you may have.

  • Service Area Verification: We use your address and zip code to verify that you are within our service area and to dispatch our technicians to your location.

  • Improving Our Website: We analyze website usage information to understand how users navigate our website, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the overall user experience.

  • Marketing and Communications: With your consent, we may use your email address and other contact information to send you promotional materials, updates about our services, and special offers.

  • Personalization: We use cookies and tracking technologies to personalize your experience on our website, such as remembering your preferences and providing tailored content.

  • Data Analytics: We use technical and log information to perform data analytics, which helps us understand trends, usage patterns, and customer preferences, allowing us to make informed business decisions.

  • Security: We use your information to enhance the security of our website, protect against fraud, and monitor for suspicious or illegal activities.

  • Compliance and Legal Obligations: We use your information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes, such as retaining records for tax and auditing purposes.

  • Feedback and Surveys: We may use the information you provide through feedback and surveys to improve our services and customer satisfaction.

4. Data Retention and Deleting Your Information

  • Data Retention: Unless you request that we delete certain information, we will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accounting, or reporting requirements, as well as ongoing fraud prevention, backup, and business continuity purposes.

  • Deleting Personal Information: Your account and the information that you provide us is yours. You can at any time delete the same. However, you acknowledge that we may also retain some of the information so deleted for a reasonable period in order to comply with legal requests. You can request us to delete your information by writing to us at

  • User Verification: Prior to processing deletion requests, we may need to verify the identity of the user to ensure the security of personal information.

  • Exceptions: Certain information may be exempt from deletion if retention is necessary for legal compliance, dispute resolution, or other legitimate business purposes.

  • Effect on Services: Deleting certain information may impact the user's ability to access and use specific services or features provided by Sweetwater Home Services.

  • Backup Copies: Information may continue to exist in backup copies for a limited period after deletion. These copies are retained for system restoration purposes and are not actively used.

5. Sharing of Information

At Sweetwater Home Services, transparency and user privacy are paramount. We may share collected information in specific circumstances outlined below:

  • Our Employees: Information collected may be accessed by Sweetwater Home Services employees based on their job responsibilities, such as customer support or system administrators. Access is restricted to those with a legitimate need for the information, and confidentiality obligations are in place.

  • Service Providers: We may share your information with third-party service providers who perform services on our behalf, such as hosting our website, conducting water assessments, processing payments, and providing customer support. These service providers are obligated to protect your information and use it only for the purposes for which it was shared.

  • Third-Party Financing Providers: If you choose to use financing options available through our website, we will share your information with the third-party financing providers to facilitate the financing process. These providers have their own privacy policies and practices.

  • Legal Compliance and Protection: We may disclose your information when required by law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. This includes responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal proceedings.

  • Protection of our Rights: We may share your information to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, or that of our users, business partners, or the public, when we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to prevent fraud, investigate potential violations, or address security issues.

  • Business Transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets, or bankruptcy, your information may be transferred to a successor or affiliate as part of the transaction. We will notify you of any such change in ownership or control of your personal information.

  • With User Consent: We may share your information with third parties if you provide explicit consent for such sharing.

  • Aggregate and Anonymized Data: Aggregated and anonymized data may be shared for analytical purposes, providing insights into user trends and preferences without revealing personally identifiable information.

6. Storage and Security of Information

Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of user information is a top priority at Sweetwater Home Services. Here's how we handle the storage and security of the information we collect:

  • Data Storage: Your personal information is stored on secure servers managed by our third-party hosting provider, Wix. These servers are located in data centers that use industry-standard security measures to protect your data.

  • Access Controls: Access to user information is restricted within Sweetwater Home Services. Only employees with a legitimate need, such as customer support or system administrators, have access based on their job responsibilities.

  • Employee Confidentiality: Sweetwater Home Services employees are bound by confidentiality obligations and are trained on the secure handling of user information. This includes understanding the importance of maintaining the privacy and security of the data they may access.

  • Regular Security Audits: Sweetwater Home Services conducts regular security audits and assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps maintain a robust security posture.

  • Incident Response Plan: In the event of a data security incident, Sweetwater Home Services has an incident response plan in place to promptly assess, contain, and mitigate the impact of the incident. Users will be notified as required by applicable data protection laws.

  • Data Retention Policies: User information is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy or as required by applicable laws and regulations. Once the retention period expires, data is securely deleted or anonymized.

  • Security: We employ reasonable security practices to ensure that the information is safe and secure with us. However, no information on the internet is 100% safe, and you accept and acknowledge such risk. Also, we will disclose the information so collected for limited purposes as mentioned in this Privacy Policy.

7. Links to other Sites

The Site may contain links to third-party websites and online services that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for such websites and online services. Be aware when you leave the website; we suggest you read the terms and privacy policy of each third-party website, and online service that you visit.

8. Rights under Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA)

As a Texas resident, you have the following rights under the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA) regarding your personal data collected by Sweetwater Filtration Systems Inc. (DBA Sweetwater Home Services):

  • Right to Confirm and Access: You have the right to confirm whether we are processing your personal data and access to your personal data. This includes the right to know what personal data we have collected, the purposes for which we are using it, and the categories of third parties with whom we share it.

  • Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccuracies in your personal data. If you believe that any of the personal data we have collected about you is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, you can request that we correct it.

  • Right to Delete: You have the right to delete personal data you have provided to us. This includes the right to request that we delete any personal data we have collected about you, except in certain circumstances such as when the data is necessary for us to fulfill our contractual obligations or when the data is required by law.

  • Right to Obtain a Copy: You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data that you previously provided to us (data portability).

  • Right to Opt Out: You have the right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising, selling personal data about you, or profiling.

  • Right to Appeal: You have the right to appeal a controller's refusal to take action on requests to exercise your rights. If we deny your request, you can appeal and we will respond within 60 days. If we deny your appeal, you can contact the Texas Attorney General ( to submit a complaint.

How to Exercise Your Rights

To exercise any of these rights, you can submit a request through one of the following methods:

We will respond within 45 days, with a possible 45-day extension if needed. If we refuse to take action on your request, you have the right to appeal.

We may request additional information from you to verify your identity before processing your request. This is a security measure to ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your personal data responsibly in compliance with the TDPSA. Please review our full Privacy Policy for details on our data practices and how we safeguard your information.

Your data controller with respect to the personal information collected on the website is:

Business Name: Sweetwater Home Services

Registered Office: Sweetwater Home Services, 1724 Cheddar Loop Rd Austin, TX 78728

Depending upon the laws of your jurisdiction, you may be eligible for some or all the following rights in respect of your personal information:

  • Right to obtain information: You may have a right to obtain information about how and on what basis your personal information is processed and to obtain a copy.

  • Right to rectification: You may have the right to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you rectified and corrected.

  • Right of Erasure: You may have the right to erase your personal information in limited circumstances where (a) you believe that it is no longer necessary for us to hold your personal information; (b) we are processing your personal information on the basis of legitimate interests and you object to such processing, and we cannot demonstrate an overriding legitimate ground for the processing; (c) where you have provided your personal information to us with your consent and you wish to withdraw your consent and there is no other ground under which we can process your personal information; and (d) where you believe the personal information we hold about you is being unlawfully processed by us.

  • Right of restriction: You may have the right to restrict processing of your personal information where: (a) the accuracy of the personal information is contested; (b) the processing is unlawful but you object to the erasure of the personal information; (c) we no longer require the personal information for the purposes for which it was collected, but it is required for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim or (d) you have objected to us processing your personal information based on our legitimate interests and we are considering your objection.

  • Right to object: You may have the right to object to decisions which are based solely on automated processing or profiling.

  • Right to ask for a copy: Where you have provided your personal information to us with your consent, you may have the right to ask us for a copy of this data in a structured, machine-readable format and to ask us to share (port) this data to another data controller; or to obtain a copy of or access to safeguards under which your personal information is transferred outside of your jurisdiction.

  • Right to withdraw your consent. You may have the right to withdraw your consent on using your personal data. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain specific functionalities of our services.

  • Request the transfer of your Personal Data. If you so have this right, we will provide to you, or to a third-party you have chosen, your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Please note that this right may only apply to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.

10. How do we respond to legal requests?

We may access, preserve, and share your information in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from law enforcement agencies, courts, tribunals, and government authorities. We may also access, preserve, and share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud and other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of investigations; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. We also may retain information from accounts disabled for violations of our terms for at least a year to prevent repeat abuse or other violations of our terms.

11. Children Privacy

Protecting children's privacy is important to us, and therefore our Site or our services are not intended for children. We do not direct the Site or our services to, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from, such children. If you are not of majority (or above) as per the law of jurisdiction that applies to you, you are not authorized to use the website. If we learn that a child has provided personally identifiable information to us, we will use reasonable efforts to remove such information from our database. Please contact us at if you believe we knowingly or unknowingly collected information described in this Section.

12. How can I withdraw my consent? (OPT-OUT)

If you sign up, you will automatically start receiving promotional emails and direct mail from us. If after you opt-in, you change your mind, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at any time, by contacting us at

13. Governing law and Dispute Resolution

Unless provided by the relevant statute, rules, or directives applicable to the jurisdiction in which you reside, in case of any disputes, issues, claims or controversies arising out of or in relation to your use of the Site or our services, the governing law and dispute resolution mechanism as provided in the Terms of Use shall apply to this Privacy Policy as well.

14. Do you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy?

In the event you have any grievance regarding anything related to this Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, or with any content or service of Sweetwater Home Services, in that case you may freely write your concerns through your registered email to Grievance Officer/Designated Representative to below:

15. Updates to this Policy

We may add to or change or update this Privacy Policy at any time, from time to time, entirely at our own discretion, with or without any prior written notice. You are responsible for checking this Policy periodically. Your use of the Site/services after any amendments to this Policy shall constitute your acceptance to such amendments.

16. Welcoming of Suggestions

We welcome your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. Please write to us at

Last updated on June 4, 2024.

© 2024 Sweetwater Home Services. All Rights Reseved